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Budget BriefCity of MadisonCity of MilwaukeeCOVID-19Criminal JusticeDataToolEconomic DevelopmentEducationFocusGovernment FinanceHealthHousingInfrastructureLocal GovernmentMilwaukee CountyMilwaukee Public SchoolsService SharingSocial ServicesSoutheast WisconsinState BudgetState GovernmentTaxationTaxpayerTransportationWorkforce Development
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A Closer Look At Wisconsin’s Economy

Regional Variations in Jobs, Wages, and Incomes

September 2013

Economic DevelopmentWorkforce Development

Pathways to Employment

Exploring the activities and resources of Milwaukee’s workforce development system

December 2012

Wisconsin’s Workforce Development System 2012

A graphical guide to employment and training resources in Wisconsin

July 2012

Vacationing in Wisconsin

Tourism's Impact on the State Economy

May 2012

Economic DevelopmentTaxationWorkforce Development

Moving To and From Wisconsin

Migration and the Badger State

January 2012

Economic DevelopmentWorkforce Development

Assembling the Parts

An examination of Milwaukee’s economic development landscape

November 2011

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