What We Do


The Wisconsin Policy Forum strives to produce relevant and high-quality public policy research that helps generate informed and fact-based public policy decision-making. Comprehensive reports, Focus policy briefs, and The Wisconsin Taxpayer publication cover a range of topics, including government finance, economic and workforce development, education, and social services.

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Sharing our research and policy insights with government and civic entities is a top priority of WPF. We welcome opportunities to present the results of our research to governmental bodies, civic groups, and others. Members, civic groups, elected officials, and advocacy groups can request Forum staff members to speak on our research or related policy issues by calling our Milwaukee office at 414-276-8240, our Madison office at 608-241-9789, or by filling out a Presentation Request Form.

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To ensure that its policy research reaches policymakers and citizens, the Wisconsin Policy Forum actively disseminates its reports via the news media, social media, its policy blog, and other strategies. Forum researchers also are regularly contacted by reporters for their objective insights on policy issues, and they appear often on local radio and television news programs to provide data-driven perspective on important policy issues.

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The Wisconsin Policy Forum's objectivity and expertise make it well-suited to facilitate collaboration among different government entities. We bring government leaders together to forge consensus and create an environment that is conducive to problem-solving.