Viewpoint Luncheons
Our popular Viewpoint Luncheons promote in-depth policy discussions and feature knowledgeable speakers and panelists covering a variety of timely topics. The Forum hosts 3-4 Viewpoint Luncheons in Milwaukee and Madison. These events are typically attended by 150-200 civic, government, and business leaders.
Amount: $1-2,000 range, depending on venue and topic
Salute to Local Government
The annual Salute to Local Government is one of the few events in our state that highlights the value of public sector performance and the benefits that public sector innovation and excellence bring to taxpayers and our community as a whole. This event reflects the Forum's strong belief that good government is worth celebrating, and that there are many examples of ingenuity and outstanding performance in local governments and school districts that need to be recognized. More than 400 civic, government, and business leaders attend this event.
Amount: $3,700
Policy in a Pub
The Forum hosts Policy in a Pub events where attendees can hear about latest research, enjoy great policy discussion, and connect with other Forum members in a casual atmosphere. Between 100-125 people typically attend these events, which are held 2-3 times per year in Milwaukee and Madison.
Amount: $500-1,000, depending on location