
Filter By Topic: DataToolEconomic / Workforce DevelopmentEducationGovernment FinanceOther
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Budget BriefCity of MadisonCity of MilwaukeeCOVID-19Criminal JusticeDataToolEconomic DevelopmentEducationFocusGovernment FinanceHealthHousingInfrastructureLocal GovernmentMilwaukee CountyMilwaukee Public SchoolsService SharingSocial ServicesSoutheast WisconsinState BudgetState GovernmentTaxationTaxpayerTransportationWorkforce Development
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Back in Business?

The road to recovery for Wisconsin’s restaurant and bar industry

September 2021

COVID-19Economic DevelopmentState GovernmentTaxpayerWorkforce Development

Health care grads earning higher degrees

But worker shortages remain

July 2021

Economic DevelopmentEducationTaxpayerWorkforce Development

Expanding the Blueprint

The role of nonprofit and private organizations in Milwaukee’s affordable housing landscape

April 2021

Economic DevelopmentHousing

Wheels on the Bus

Gauging the outlook for public transit in Wisconsin

April 2021

COVID-19Economic DevelopmentTransportation

STEM Graduates Increasing, but Disparities Persist

Focus #2

January 2021

Economic DevelopmentEducationFocus

Laying the Foundation

An overview of city of Milwaukee affordable housing programs and priorities

July 2020

City of MilwaukeeEconomic DevelopmentHousingLocal Government
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