Forum Friday: Budgets in a Pandemic: The Bottom Line for Madison and Milwaukee
By Therese Schneider
For the October installment of our virtual event series, Forum Friday, Wisconsin Policy Forum President Rob Henken and Research Director Jason Stein discussed our city of Milwaukee and city of Madison budget briefs.
Then, we invited Madison Common Council President Sheri Carter and Milwaukee Common Council President Cavalier Johnson to share their thoughts and insights on their respective cities’ 2021 budgets and overall fiscal conditions.
During Forum Fridays, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. This doesn’t replace our in-person events such as our Viewpoint Luncheons or Policy in a Pub, which are on hold for now during the current crisis. But, we hope this can be a new way to keep you informed and connected on our state’s most pressing public policy issues. Stay tuned for more Forum Friday events in the near future!