Event Registration



Policy in a Pub – June 2024

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Merriment Social240 E Pittsburgh Ave, Milwaukee
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Policy in a Pub

Monday, June 10, 2024
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Merriment Social
240 E Pittsburgh Ave, Milwaukee

The Forum’s popular Policy in a Pub is back! Our program will feature discussion of Curtain Time, our recent report on the state of Milwaukee’s performing arts sector, zeroing in on how collaboration among individual performing arts organizations might be enhanced and what role civic leaders might play in determining the sector’s strategic direction. We’ll begin with a brief presentation reviewing the report’s highlights, and then we’ll hear reaction from Kevin Giglinto, the CEO of the Marcus Performing Arts Center, and Greg Wesley, a senior vice president at the Medical College of Wisconsin who is also a board member of Black Arts MKE and the Greater Milwaukee Committee. We’ll also leave plenty of time for Q&A and discussion with our audience.  

Kevin Giglinto
Marcus Performing Arts Center
Greg Wesley
Senior Vice President
Medical College of Wisconsin


Join us at Merriment Social for complimentary appetizers, great policy discussion, and a cash bar. Registration for this event is closed. Any questions please email us at events@wispolicyforum.org.