Event Registration



Forum Friday: Milwaukee & Madison’s Proposed Budgets

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Registration now open!
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Budgets in a Pandemic: The Bottom Line for Madison and Milwaukee

October 30 | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

A global pandemic has collided with longstanding fiscal problems to create a sobering slew of challenges for the city of Milwaukee in its 2021 budget and has exacerbated the smaller but still significant headwinds for the city of Madison.

Join us on October 30 for the next installment of our virtual event series, Forum Friday, where we’ll explore Milwaukee’s and Madison’s proposed budgets and implications of both. Forum President Rob Henken and Research Director Jason Stein will discuss our city of Milwaukee and city of Madison budget briefs. Then, we’ll invite Madison Common Council President Sheri Carter and Milwaukee Common Council President Cavalier Johnson to share their thoughts and insights on their respective cities’ 2021 budgets and overall fiscal conditions. 

Cavalier Johnson
Sheri Carter

We want to hear from you, too! We’ll conclude with a Q&A session for registered participants. Registration is free, but required for this event. We look forward to your participation!

What is Forum Friday? In this webinar format, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. While this new virtual event series doesn’t replace our in-person events, we hope this can be a new way to keep you informed and connected on our state’s most pressing public policy issues.