Forum Friday: State Superintendent Candidate Forum
By Therese Schneider
For the March 2021 installment of our virtual event series, Forum Friday, we hosted a discussion with State Superintendent of Public Instruction candidates Deborah Kerr and Jill Underly. The two candidates will face off for the state’s top education post in the spring election on April 6. Forum Senior Researcher Anne Chapman and City Forward Collective Director of Policy and Advocacy Colleston Morgan, Jr. challenged the candidates to address several pressing statewide K-12 education issues.
Watch the discussion here:
During Forum Fridays, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. This doesn’t replace our in-person events such as our Viewpoint Luncheons or Policy in a Pub, which are on hold for now during the current crisis. But, we hope this can be a new way to keep you informed and connected on our state’s most pressing public policy issues. Stay tuned for more Forum Friday events in the near future!