On October 4, our popular virtual event series Forum Friday revisited a critical debate in Wisconsin: whether to expand Medicaid health coverage under the federal Affordable Care Act.
We examined Wisconsin’s unique approach to Medicaid eligibility, the policies adopted by other states, and the implications of maintaining the status quo or expanding the program. We followed up by talking to our guests about their views on Wisconsin’s options for Medicaid moving forward.
Our Forum Friday guests were:
Bill Hanna Medicaid Director
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Alex Ignatowski Director of State Budget and Government Reform
Institute for Reforming Government
Mark Grapentine Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer Wisconsin Medical Society
During Forum Fridays, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. We hope this can be another way to keep you informed and connected on our state’s most pressing public policy issues. Stay tuned for more Forum Friday events in the near future!