Event Recap


Forum Friday: A Look Ahead at Wisconsin’s 2023 Legislative Session

By Jeffrey Schmidt

A Look Ahead: Wisconsin’s 2023 Legislative Session

Virtual event | December 9, 2022

With the recent midterm elections resulting in a mixed verdict – Democratic Gov. Tony Evers was re-elected, and Republicans expanded their legislative majorities – our December installment of our virtual series Forum Friday looked at what that means for the 2023-24 legislative session.

We started with an overview of recent Forum research on the state budget, with a focus on the record $5 billion projected state surplus — the use of which lawmakers and Evers will determine in the upcoming session. 

Then brought in our Forum Friday guests for a discussion about their – and their caucuses’ – priorities for the next two years. Our Forum Friday guests were Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Wisconsin Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Kalan Haywood.

During Forum Fridays, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. We hope this can be another way to keep you informed and connected on our state’s most pressing public policy issues. Stay tuned for more Forum Friday events in the near future!

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